
Pakistani academicians' contribution in field of dentistry

MN Report 01:22 PM, 3 Feb, 2022
Pakistani academicians' contribution in field of dentistry

KARACHI: Dr Imran Farooq and Dr Saqib Ali, Pakistani doctors, published a phenomenal book titled" An Illustrated Guide to Oral Histology." to contribute to the field of dentistry

This book was prepared to tackle the difficulties associated with comprehending the ideas of Oral Histology. The book was published in the United Kingdom by Wiley Publishers.

Dr Imran Farooq, the editor of the book, is currently working as an Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Dental Sciences, Oral Biology Division, College of Dentistry at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia. 

Dr Saqib Ali, the editor of the book, is presently employed as a Course Director of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Oral Biology in the Department of Biomedical Dental Sciences, Oral Biology Division, College of Dentistry at the Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University, Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

In the exclusive interview with Medical News Group of Publications, Dr Imran Farooq and Dr Saqib Ali were asked about the motivation of their contribution and their feelings on their accomplishment. 

Medical News: What led you to contribute to the field of dentistry

Response: Our teaching passion has led us to create a 9 chapter book that outlines the histology and pathology of oral tissues and their clinical significance. The idea of writing a book focusing on essential details of oral histological features popped up around two years ago. So, we felt many deficient areas in the present literature concerning the said topic.

Medical News: What are the key features of your book? And who is your target audience? 

Response: This book gives information about these features in a user-friendly format. It contains high-definition (HD) histological images of oral tissues with integrated text containing their introduction, key identifying histological features, and clinical significance. The textbook is intended for dental undergraduate and postgraduate students, license examination aspirants, and oral histology instructors.  

Medical News: How was your experience of writing this book? 

Response: When we started working on this book, we worked full time, so we had to fit the writing and editing into late nights and weekends. Throughout the process, we had this feeling that we were achieving something great, and this book will be beneficial for the readers. Book writing was a great lesson in patience, the drafting process, and the craft of writing.

Medical News: It seems like you both worked really hard. Are you contented after publishing your book? And what message do you want to give to future authors? 

Response: we are very proud to write this book published by WILEY, a global publishing giant. Future authors just have to remember that book writing and editing are not easy, but they are not impossible either. It is achievable with the right kind of determination and teamwork, and the results could be fruitful.