
Osteoporosis: Here's What You Should Know

Kiran Fatima 03:23 PM, 6 Nov, 2021
Osteoporosis: Here's What You Should Know
Source: Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay

Osteoporosis: What are the Symptoms, Reasons, and Preventive measures?

Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which bones become so fragile, leading to fractures even from slight pressure. It's usually labeled as an age-related disease simply because it grows with time. Therefore, it is essential to know about this condition in detail.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Some of the common symptoms of osteoporosis are as follows:

  • Visible Loss of height with time.
  • The bones weaken over time.
  • Episodes of severe Joint and bones pain.

Primary Reasons 

These are the main reasons which increase the chance of getting osteoporosis:

Gender and Age

Aging does cause physical changes primarily related to bones. Moreover, women over fifty years of age after menopause often have osteoporosis because of estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that is essential for bone health. However, after menopause, this hormone decreases causes bone loss.

Lack of Exercise

Exercise is a vital aspect of attaining sustainable health. For example, bones become weaker without exercise, increasing the chance of bone loss from the start of aging.  That is why it is essential to do exercises to increase muscle mass and stronger bones.

Diet and Osteoporosis

A balanced diet is mandatory to strive for a healthy life. Similarly, to prevent osteoporosis, it is essential to take sufficient Calcium, and Vitamin D. Vitamin D is present in red meat, liver, oily fish, and egg yolk. Moreover, Calcium is present in milk, yogurt, cheese, and some vegetables.

Is it Preventable?

The best way to deal with osteoporosis is to prevent it. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the key to achieving this goal. Here are some practices to follow:

  • Regular exercise, especially weight training, is helpful to build more muscle and stronger bones.
  • Daily exposure to sunlight is vital because the best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. Therefore. It's crucial to spend a few hours in the sunlight daily.
  • The use of supplements is recommended only in case there are severe deficiencies of Vitamin D and Calcium.
  • Try to avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and cigarettes.


Osteoporosis is an age-related bone disease. Moreover, women are at higher risk of the disease, especially after menopause. Nevertheless, it is crucial to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prevent this disease.