
Short vs Long Term Goal Making: For Success in Medical Setting

Dr Anis Ur Rehman 03:07 PM, 11 Jun, 2022
Short vs Long Term Goal Making: For Success in Medical Setting

"If you don't know where you're going, you're going to get lost getting there" Alice in the Wonderland. It is true that the most important goal one can have is to have a goal! Successful goals can be defined differently for every individual. However, goals should generally reflect a definite purpose in life.

What Are Your Goals? Why Make Them?

The recipe for attaining a successful goal consists of several factors such as defining a specific set of realistic and achievable objectives, consistency, resilience and content. Goals are fundamental in that they keep individuals or companies from stagnating and give the incentive to work towards something bigger. 

Aim and Objectives of Goals in Healthcare Setting

Like any other system, organising thoughts and making a plan is a basic principle for achieving certain milestones. In a bigger perspective, medical professionals should develop a clear understanding to strive for improvement in individual or population health and also educate them on the prevention of various diseases. 

Management and administration play an essential role in delineating an organisation's goals with clarity and purpose. Their primary focus should be on staff and redirecting them to the organisation's cause. Employees getting regular attention are aware of their importance. Management can provide extrinsic motivation through Positive reinforcement, such as rewards, which can make an individual's performance more goal-oriented. Ultimately, it all comes down to being happier in the working environment.

Short-Term Goals are Vital to Everyone

Ideally, short-term goals should assist in achieving a bigger notion, the long-term goal. Clarification and motivation are of utmost importance in making the idea successful. Passion, pleasure and enjoyment in work can help qualified individuals in setting and acquiring their desired short-term goals.

Benefits of Long-Term Goals

Consistency is the key to achieving a long-term goal. Executing relevant short-term objectives timely can ensure the success of long-term goals. These goals should make an impact on future generations and leave a legacy. Successful utilisation of this approach in healthcare organisations almost always result in the betterment of employees' personal life as well.

Short- & Long-Term Goals Go Hand-in-Hand

In a nutshell, there's always a lot of persistence and effort required, regardless of how big or short the goal is. Difficulty and barriers are always faced with finding the balance of going after it and realistically acquiring it, but in the long run, waiting for the result of your hard work to pay off. Also helps in character building.

Dr Anis Ur Rehman

The author is contributing writer at Medical News Pakistan and can be reached at