
5 Ways to Reduce Hair Loss Today 

Nehl Noman 05:06 PM, 18 Jul, 2022
5 Ways to Reduce Hair Loss Today 
Caption: 5 ways to reduce hair loss

A person typically sheds about 100 strands of hair a day. Mostly this goes unnoticed since new hair grows back, but this is not the case with everyone. Some people may notice a receding hairline or thinned areas. If this is the case, they may have alopecia, a common disorder which involves hair loss

Here are a few tried and tested ways to reduce hair loss today:

Increased protein intake
Protein deficiency can harm your hair growth as it leads to brittle and dry hair prone to breakage and split ends. A person usually requires 40 to 60 grams of protein a day in their diet. Healthy proteins include meat, beans, legumes, eggs, and Greek yoghurt.

Hair and scalp care
Harsh hair treatments, like bleaching and using heating tools, can damage your hair. Certain hairstyles like tight ponies or braids also play an important role. One should avoid these practices for healthy hair. Also, washing hair every other day keeps the scalp and hair clean, along with preventing inflammation which affects hair growth.

Vitamins and minerals
A physician can perform certain diagnostic tests to find out if a person has any vitamin deficiency. Various vitamins and minerals play a role in hair growth. Vitamin A induces cell growth and also helps generate sebum, which moisturizes the scalp. Vitamin C is essential for collagen formation, which is essential in hair structure. Other nutrients like Vitamin B, D, E, zinc and iron also play a part. 

Hair loss medication
Over-the-counter medicine, like minoxidil, is helpful for alopecia. It is available in the form of a 5% solution or foam that is applied on the scalp and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of America. It is also available in a low-dose oral form which is effective for non-scarring alopecia.

Low-level laser light therapy
It is a new and approved treatment by the FDA, but it may be time-consuming as well as expensive. The therapy helps with decreasing skin inflammation and promoting hair growth. This therapy is particularly beneficial since it does not have any possible drug interactions or intolerances.

While the above methods are useful, every person and their condition differs, so it is best to consult a dermatologist for your case to get more specialized care.

Nehl Noman

The author is contributing writer at Medical News Pakistan and can be reached at