
The Dangers of Tear Gas

Nehl Noman 05:53 PM, 27 May, 2022
The Dangers of Tear Gas

Tear gas has a long history of being used by law enforcement officials as a riot-control substance.

It consists of chemical compounds which hinder bodily functions by irritating organs such as the eyes, lungs, and skin. This chemical agent may also seep into homes leading to contaminated food, skin, and other surfaces.

While it is a common occurrence, it may have dire consequences to the human body that need to be acknowledged to avoid potential long-term damage. Several experts agree that it is simply not safe and can even be lethal in some cases.

Side Effects of Tear Gas

The side effects depend on factors like exposure history, including where, how much, and how long were they exposed. Once the person is separated from the source and decontaminated, the effects usually last about 15 to 20 minutes.

General short-term effects include:

● Red, watery eyes with a burning sensation and blurred vision

● Runny nose with swelling and burning

● Irritated mouth with burning sensations, difficulty swallowing, and excessive drooling

● Shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and a choking sensation

● Skin burns and rashes

● Nausea and vomiting

Long-term effects due to prolonged or high dose exposure, particularly in an enclosed space, may include:

● Glaucoma

● Blindness, especially if hit directly with a canister

● Cataracts

● Brain injury

● Nerve damage

● Mental health effects

● Asthma

● Increased risk of contracting respiratory illnesses like pneumonia, influenza, bronchitis, and corona

● Respiratory failure, especially in patients with preexisting respiratory conditions

● Death as a result of chemicals burns in the lungs and throat

Safety measures

● Limit exposure by leaving the exposed area and getting fresh air.

● Seek higher ground, if possible, to avoid dense clouds of tear gas.

● Remove clothing as quickly as possible and wash the entire body with mild soap and cold water. If any item of clothing has to be pulled over the head, cut it off the body instead. For jewellery, wash it if you can or dispose of it, along with the contaminated clothing, in a sealed plastic bag using rubber gloves or tongs.

● Use plain water to rinse the eyes for 10 to 15 minutes. If you were wearing contacts, remove them and do not put them back on. If you wear glasses, wash them with soap and water as well.

● Blow out the nose and rinse the mouth to remove any chemicals that may have gotten in.

● Hire a professional cleanup company if the house is exposed.

Treatment Options

It is imperative to always seek medical care immediately after tear gas exposure. The potential treatment options include:

● Get more oxygen into the affected person’s blood

● Tending to chemical-induced burns with standard burn management techniques like medicated bandages

● Medications to help the person breathe like bronchodilators or steroids

Nehl Noman

The author is contributing writer at Medical News Pakistan and can be reached at